8 Foods You Should Avoid on a Cruise — and What to Eat Instead

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Communal condiments

Giant bottles of shared ketchup, mustard, and any other condiment can easily breed germs because everyone touches them. You can ask the buffet staff to add your condiments for you or even give you an individual single-serve condiment package.

If both are a no-go, you could also use a napkin to dispense what you need and maybe apply some hand sanitizer before handling your food.

Compromised food

If you notice the person in front of you is touching the food and putting it back, then it’s easy to tell that someone else has contained a vegetable-only dish by using the wrong utensils. Also, if you notice the tongs have fallen completely into the food, including the handle and everything, you need to alert a crew member.

Also, make sure you avoid taking any of the potentially contained dishes until they’ve been completely replaced with fresh ones.

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