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Surefire Ways to Cancel Your Trip Without Losing Money

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Planning a trip is sometimes a challenge. There are so many things to take into consideration, it’s hard not to lose our head sometimes. The worst thing about it is that after all of the effort and money spent, something unexpected happens and you have to cancel everything.

If you haven’t foreseen this and you haven’t taken the right measures to cancel it without losing money, it’s the worst thing that can happen to you. Now, you don’t have a trip to go to nor AND you’ve lost the money.

But there are some ways you can get your money back in case you have to cancel your trip and here’s how:

cancel trip tips
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1. You can use a travel credit or a gift card

The pandemic has led to TONS of vacations and trips getting canceled and it’s an ongoing event since we don’t know when it will be finally over. If you’re a victim of canceled flights then your airline probably paid you back in travel credit.

Next time you purchase plane tickets for a vacation use this credit for it. That way you will prevent a similar situation from happening again and you won’t be losing more cash from the original price, in case they need to cancel it for some reason.

You can also purchase gift cards from Airlines and use them later.

2. Use your travel miles/points

The majority of big airlines offer you miles every time you purchase a plane ticket from their company. Airlines such as United Airlines, American Airlines, and Delta have these implemented, but you can check each of their regulations and policies on their websites since they differ.

If you earn enough miles you can use them for several things, adding a meal to your flight, getting a nice first-class seat, or, if the number of miles is enough, a plane ticket to any destination.

Next time when you’re planning a trip consider getting a plane ticket with your miles and if you want to cancel on it or in the event that they do, you won’t lose a dime.

3. Add a GOOD travel insurance 

Travel insurance is a very important thing when it comes to travel planning. Remember that anything can happen while you are away and in case of any obstacles, you should be covered, That also means getting your whole trip canceled.

Some plans will guarantee your money back or at least some of it. Do your homework beforehand and make sure you get the best one in case of a canceled trip. Talk to a specialist or a representative before making the decision and they will lay out all of the best options for you.

Remember that insurances don’t cover preexistent events that you were aware of before buying the insurance, such as a medical condition.

Photo by George Rudy from

4. Get a travel agent

This is something people have divided opinions about. Some travel agents from shady agencies tend to do a sloppy job or exaggerate some things to their clients for a bigger commission. But if you go to an agency that has good reviews and has a trustworthy background then you shouldn’t worry.

Now, an agent will make sure everything is all set when it comes to your trip and in case of a cancellation, they will handle the situation and might even be able to get your money back. They are known for their negotiating skills and how they manage to pull out the best outcomes for their clients, so trust them.

5. Try and change the dates

You may come out more beneficial if you decide to change the original dates of the trip. Usually, most airlines and hotels are pretty flexible with that and will agree to it, however, they may request an additional charge for it.

It’s better than having no vacation at all, am I right? You can still enjoy the vacation just at a different time. If there’s a problem with the area that you are traveling to, the travel agency will automatically suggest a different date, when things are back to normal and ready for a trip.

6. Research and discuss the policy cancellation policy

Every travel company has a cancellation policy, but people never think to look at it and see what it implies. Unplanned events occur every day so when you make the arrangements for your trip it’s for the best to first look into the cancellation policy.

If the trip wasn’t canceled by you and it was due to safety concerns it’s most likely that they will give you the option to choose a different date, when the trip is all sound and safe. Keep in mind that each policy is different, and the terms and conditions may vary.

cancellation tips
Photo by Andrey_Popov from

7. Change the dates then cancel

So, you booked a hotel or accommodation for your trip, but now you want to cancel it, but you can’t because the departure is too close. Well, here is a trick we’ve learned that hotels don’t want us to know.

Change the dates of your stay for later so that you can come the next day again and cancel the booking for free. Bear in mind that there might be a small fee to change the dates but that depends on the accommodation’s policy.

If you wish to learn more facts about what hotels are hiding from us check this article: 14 SHOCKING Facts Hotels Are Hiding From You.

8. Call your travel insurance company

If something unexpected comes up that requires a change in your trip plans, first call your insurer to see what your options are or what you are entitled to receive. It’s always for the best to talk to a specialist first and let them handle a situation or give you some insights into the problem.

Normally, your policy should cover almost anything if you decide to cancel, that includes airlines, cruise lines, or other tour operators, but you never know. You shouldn’t have any problems in the first place if your insurer advised you to buy insurance that covers you in case of cancellation.

9. Always think twice

If you don’t really need to cancel your trip then maybe you should think twice. Of course, if you’re afraid of catching Covid or something happened at the destination and it’s preventing you from enjoying your trip then you should cancel it.

Other than that, remember that you only live once, and you should enjoy every bit of it. But, your health is more important than anything, so if you feel more safe canceling it then do it.

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