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Denied Boarding on U.S. Planes? These 6 Surprising Things May Be Why

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plane ban
Image By Purd77 From Shutterstock

Opening the Plane Doors

This one goes without saying, but it seems like some people do not care about flying safety, and are truly quite silly. You would think that if you choose to fly instead of driving somewhere you would be aware that the cabin is pressurized and there is no circumstance in which you can open the door after it has been closed, nor the windows for that matter.

Yet, there is an impressive (and sad) number of people that ask flight attendants if they can open the door or lower the windows for some fresh air! Sir, you are tens of thousands of feet in the air, you cannot just ask that!

Thankfully there is no recorded incident where someone tried to open the doors in the U.S., but passengers from a London flight to Turkey got a pretty good scare when a woman started to become aggressive. In her frenzy, she also tried to open the doors mid-air, but the flight attendants managed to prevent that. It still didn’t help as the Royal Air Force was called to escort the plane back to London due to how the woman was acting. Needless to say, she was both fined more than $100,000 and was blacklisted from flying with the airline FOR LIFE! Serves her right!

However, who is to say others with such crazy ideas are not lurking closer to home?

If you liked our list, make sure you are ready for your next flight and read up on how to avoid paying checked baggage fees here

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