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Denied Boarding on U.S. Planes? These 6 Surprising Things May Be Why

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plane ban
Image By DedMityay From Shutterstock

Vaping Inside the Plane

After all, airlines had stopped allowing smoking on planes, everyone got over their displeasure with this rule fairly easily. Yet, as history is repeating itself and people realize that while vaping isn’t as dangerous as actually smoking it can still create a lot of problems and has detrimental effects on your health, other still do not care. Even worse, there are still some people who choose to think that certain rules do not apply to them.

That would not be a problem, if not for the fact that they end up ignoring rules that are so universally known that it is out of the question for someone to forget it. This applies to the no-smoking rule on aircrafts: some people seem to think that smoking may not be allowed, but vaping isn’t. Here’s some new info for them: it totally is.

A man from Florida (don’t we all love Florida man?) tried to vape while in his seat, only to be told by the flight attendant that it is not allowed. Since he was so adamant to vape despite being reprimanded, he went to the bathroom to vape there, thinking he was slick. It all went against him when the smoke alarm went off: the pilot had to lower the plane for the alarm to stop ringing.

Truly, if you cannot follow the crew’s instructions because you think rules do not apply to you, you should be blacklisted.

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