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forbidden place
Photo by Finding Focus Photography at Shutterstock

Ni’ihau Island, HI

You may or may not have heard of a top-secret island in Hawaii. If you haven’t, it may be because it’s been nicknamed The Forbidden Island and has been privately owned by the same family since 1864. Not much has been documented about life on the island, but it’s been described as a spot where time stands still and where its few habitants follow an older way of life.

With no internet, electricity, restaurants, cars, roads, stores, or even plumbing, Ni’ihau has remained a rare untouched island, free from the advancements and hassles of modern life. One source has estimated that only about 70 free-spirited souls live on this private and magnificent piece of heaven in Hawaii.

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  1. Area 51 has always been my “I wish” place to visit. Of course “X-Files” had a lot to do with it, but I have always been fascinated with the idea of UFO’s and the supposed wreckage found in New Mexico.

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