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9 Holiday Travel Horror Stories You’ll Be Grateful You’re Not Telling

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Photo by VladFotoMag from Shutterstock

2. Crashing After Christmas

In 2010, a few days after Christmas with family in Denver, Kelsey Campbell-Dollaghan got to the airport only to find out that her flight home to New York had just been canceled due to an impending snowstorm. This was about to be only the beginning of her holiday experience.

She was able to reschedule for the next morning, but when she arrived at the airport, she learned her flight had once again been canceled. After spending the night at her sister’s house, which was nearby, she got into a cab the next morning for her third ride to the airport. It was snowing a lot, so the taxi spun out on the highway and collided with a guardrail.

Both Kelsey and the driver were left unconscious, but fortunately, they were uninjured. After “four days of anguish”, she was eventually able to fly back home the following morning.

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