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10 Most Charming European Castles

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European castle
Photo by Hike The World from Shutterstock

8. Bojnice Castle, Slovakia

The Bojnice is a medieval castle in Slovakia that is known for its original Reinaissance-Gothic elements. Hundreds of thousands of visitors come each year to see this magnificent European castle.

This castle dates from 1113 according to some documents held at the Zobor Abbey. It is said that, originally, it was built from wood and gradually replaced with stone.

Another attraction of this castle is the International Festival of Ghosts and Spirits and Summer Music Festival which is held in the castle’s area every year. Also, a romantic movie was filmed there and attracted that year 200,000 visitors.

We can conclude that Europe has many medieval palaces with rich histories that are worth visiting, but our country also has many grandiose ones that should have a place on your travel list. If you are interested in finding out what American castles you should visit we’ve made an article about The Most Enchanting Castles in the US

What do you think about these top European castles? Have you ever visited a European medieval castle? Tell us your experiences in the comments.

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