10 Things to Avoid During Your Hotel Stay

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Here are all the things you should avoid during your hotel stay!

A hotel stay is one of my favorite activities to indulge in. I love waking up in giant beds with fluffy pillows, opening the curtains and enjoying a wonderful view, eating the most delicious breakfasts, and not caring about tiny details.

I always try to make the staff’s jobs easier by always making the bed and keeping the room extra clean, but some things should be left for them. I once worked as a housekeeper for roughly four months, and I’ve learned a few things that tend to drive employees crazy.

If you want to be a great guest each time you plan a hotel stay, this article is for you. Let’s get this party started because we have many things to cover.

hotel stay
Photo by Dragon Images from Shutterstock

1. Don’t sleep on throw pillows

Throw pillows look great and might even be comfy, but they’re mainly designed for home decor, not sleeping. These items aren’t easy to clean, and anytime someone gets makeup smeared or drool on them, it’s going to be a pain to get them cleaned somewhere. Besides being an expensive task, sometimes it doesn’t work, and the staff has to throw it away.

2. You shouldn’t strip your bed

While it might sound beneficial in theory, taking off your sheets, duvet covers, and pillowcases every morning can actually add to the cleaning crew’s workload.

On hectic days, employees will only stuff pillows and repurpose linens, replacing them only every three to four days. According to different hotel managers, stripping the bed every morning can add unnecessary minutes to the time-sensitive housekeeping staff duties. If you need your sheets changed, calling the front desk or leaving a note for the housecleaning crew should work.

…Here’s the next batch of hotel faux pas to steer clear of!

3. Don’t check out late without telling reception first

A late check-out can interfere with the overall schedule of the hotel staff and result in extra charges for your accommodation. I’m pretty sure you want to have a relaxing time when you stay in a hotel, rather than having your plans messed up due to additional charges.

Some people don’t know this, but during busy times, housekeeping employees are under extra pressure to turn over guest rooms before further check-ins. Moreover, you risk interfering with other people’s plans and overall experience as well. New visitors might experience a delay at check-in if departing guests vacate their rooms even ten minutes over the allotted time.

Hotel, hotel stay
Photo by Dean Drobot at Shutterstock

4. Don’t expect your room to be cleaned immediately

When they stay in a hotel, many guests think that the staff is always ready to fulfill each one of their wishes in a matter of minutes. Yeah, it’s not going to happen. Even the most proficient house-cleaning team needs some time to transform a dirty space into a clean one.

Sometimes, after checking out and taking down the “do not disturb” sign, guests anticipate that their room will be cleaned in 15 minutes or less. Every day, at least one visitor will likely complain that their room hasn’t been cleaned by the time they get to lunch.

A little courtesy goes a long way: allow the cleaning team three to four hours to spruce up your room. Enjoy a leisurely lunch or give the hotel a quick call to see if your room is ready before returning. It will be very appreciated, trust me!

5. Leaving without telling the staff about the damaged furniture

If you decide to stay in a hotel, you have to be respectful and acknowledge your wrongdoing! Don’t get me wrong, mistakes can happen to everyone, but the sad thing is that many guests pack their bags and go without telling the staff they broke a lamp, destroyed the linens, or damaged the furniture.

If you damage the furniture or anything else in your room, it’s common for hotels to charge you several times the original cost. Don’t try to blame it on other factors or skip telling the front desk; they usually check your room during check-out.

If you accidentally break something, it’s best to let the staff know right away. Sometimes, they might view it as normal wear and tear and waive the fee. But if you try to hide the damage or leave without mentioning it, you’re likely to face a hefty charge on your card, and I don’t think it’s going to be pleasant.

6. Don’t take full-size bath amenities with you

Another hotel mistake people make is taking full-size bath amenities with them without intending to pay for them. While you can often take home tiny body wash and shampoo bottles, the rule doesn’t apply to bulk amenities.

As much as you like them during your stay, it’s best to ask them if you can buy them or where you can find products like those. If you put the full-size products in your luggage, the staff will discover them during your check-out. They’ll more likely ask you to pay, so don’t be surprised if this happens!

I know those huge and soft robes make you feel incredible during your stay; they’re not complimentary, so don’t take them home unless the staff tells you it’s okay to do so.

…If you want to have a comfortable hotel stay, make sure to read these tips carefully! You’ll become the best guest ever!

7. If you travel with a group, don’t expect to have adjoining rooms

Believe me, I know your hotel stay could be even better with adjoining rooms for you and your group because I feel the same way each time I travel with my huge family. Great news—you can specifically request these rooms during booking, ensuring a stress-free arrival.

But don’t assume you’ll automatically get adjoining rooms just because you booked as a group. It’s possible you and your loved ones could end up on different floors or far apart. Just ask before you arrive—it’s always safer to confirm!

hotel stay
Photo by DC Studio from Shutterstock

8. What about an early check-in?

The staff wants to make your hotel stay as pleasant as possible, so if you have an early flight or just want to drop your bags and start exploring everything your destination has to offer, an early check-in might be exactly what you need.

However, you can’t just show up at the reception, expecting the staff to know about your plans. Be mindful of everyone’s schedule and request this service well in advance. You can do that simply by sending an email or calling them way ahead of time.

The staff will then know they have to allocate your room to be the first cleaned, so it’s easy for you to check in and go about your day. However, as the experts say, if you ask about this service on the day you need it, it’s usually too late.

10. Don’t try to sneak a pet in

Unless you’re staying at a pet-friendly hotel, trying to sneak a pet into your hotel room is a surefire way to get into trouble. Depending on the hotel’s rules, you might be required to pay a fee or possibly be asked to leave your room, and these are surefire ways to ruin your hotel stay. If you plan to bring your pet with you, please make sure to reserve a pet-friendly room or package. It will be better and more relaxing for both you and your fluffy companion.

…Do you know any other things that could ruin your hotel stay? Let us know in the comments below! Pack your bags, don’t forget your sunglasses, and have fun! Until next time, here’s another fabulous article for you: 11 Most Iconic Food Destinations Across America

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