6 Best Tips To Make Your Things Fit In Just One Backpack

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Photo by Vershinin89 from shutterstock.com

3. Use your vacuum cleaner

You probably know that by now, but I’m going to say it either way. Vacuum-sealed bags are absolutely amazing, and they’re going to make more room in your backpack (These ones from Amazon are absolutely great. They’re strong, easy to use, and budget-friendly, so check them out if you want to save some space when you travel by plane).

They’re very simple to use, and in just a couple of minutes, your luggage is almost done. Open your package, grab your bags, and put your clothing items inside. Fold the bag in half and press your vacuum on it until the air is almost squeezed out. When you’re done with that, seal the bag, and you can put them in your backpack.

However, don’t use this tip as a way to overpack, because you risk making your backpack heavier and harder to carry. So be mindful of the things that you really need to use on your trip.

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