NEVER Do These Things While Visiting These 6 Countries!

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Do you know what the rudest things you can do in these countries are?

Do you consider yourself a polite person in general? While this might be true while you are at home, when you are visiting other countries, things can change because they have different customs, and many actions you consider normal might be actually the rudest things in other places. 

Next time you are traveling and exploring new cultures, keep this in mind. Even if this exploration can enrich our lives and help us learn more about the world, this journey can be one full of misunderstandings, and this is why we want you to know about a few things you should avoid while visiting foreign places. 

Are you ready to embark on this trip? 

rudest things
Photo by Andrey_Vasiliskov at Shutterstock

1. Never touch heads in Thailand

This country is an exotic paradise that many have on their bucket lists. But you should see more than the mesmerizing beaches, the fantastic cuisine, and the elephants. Thailand has a rich culture, and it is also so different from what we are accustomed to. 

In Thai culture, the head is considered to be the most sacred part of our bodies, both physically and spiritually. The head is the home of an individual’s spirit, intellect, and identity. This is why one of the rudest things you can do here is to touch a person’s head without permission. This is also great for kids. 

So, while interacting with Thai people, respect their culture and never cross this boundary. We know that this is not a common thing to do, even at home. You are not just touching people’s heads, but here you should be extra careful about it. 

2. Never use your left hand in India

One of the rudest things you can do in India is use your left hand for some specific tasks. It is all tied to the symbolism of the left hand. Here, this hand is traditionally associated with impure or unclean tasks such as bathroom hygiene, and this is how the right hand has become more suitable for most social activities. 

Generally, this custom of avoiding using the left hand is most often present when we are talking about food and eating. Never eat or pass food with your left hand. Also, giving or receiving gifts with your left hand is one of the rudest things you can do here. 

We need to mention that customs can vary from region to region, and things can be different in some regions of India. But remember that this rule is ingrained in Indian culture, and this is why you should respect it while visiting.

3. Never keep your hands under the dining table in Spain

One of the best things about traveling is the chance to try different cuisines and have a good time while eating good food. If you plan to visit Spain, you can avoid embarrassment by keeping your hands visible while eating. Never keep them under the table, as this is viewed as one of the rudest things you can do. 

But why do they see this as being so bad? This custom comes from medieval times, and then it was suspicious to keep your hands under the table because it could have been an indicator that you have a weapon with you. 

Also, keeping your hands on the table is a sign of active engagement in social interaction, and it is seen as polite and an indicator that you enjoy the company of those who have gathered at the table. 

Avoid doing one of the rudest things possible in Spain, and just keep your wrist on the table while eating. 

4. The “ok sign” is a big no-no in Germany

Here, there is nothing wrong with the classic OK sign. The one when you form a circle with your thumb and index finger and keep the rest of the fingers pointing up. This is perfectly normal, and people see it as a gesture that tells them that you are all good. 

But when visiting Germany, this is one of the rudest things you can do. It is viewed as a vulgar gesture, and this is why you should never do it. You can say that you are okay by using the classic “thumb up.”

Now, considering globalization and all the cultural exchange that is happening at this moment, we should note that many Germans know that this gesture has different meanings in other cultures. Yet, you can still exercise cultural sensitivity and avoid using this sign. Maybe it is not one of the rudest things you can do in Germany anymore, but it is still important to respect other people. 

5. Never finish all the food on your plate in China

You just like the food very much; what can be so wrong about this, right? This is one of the rudest things you can do in China, and we are here to explain why. 

Chinese people are all about hospitality, and they love being incredible hosts. This is why, many times, when you are invited to a Chinese home, you will have an amazing meal. But there is a mistake many foreigners make, and that is when they eat everything on the plate. We know that it is difficult to hold back from doing it, considering the tasty food, but wait a second.

Chinese etiquette tells us that it is expected of us to leave a small amount of food on the plate, as this is seen as respectful by our host. First of all, some superstitions say that if you leave the plate empty, you will bring misfortune to yourself and also to others who are sitting with you at the table.

Also, if you leave the plate empty, your host might feel like the food is not enough, which can make them feel embarrassed. This is why it is considered impolite, and you should avoid it at all costs. So, even if it seems unusual for you to leave food on the plate in general,but while you are visiting China, you should practice this since leaving the plate empty is one of the rudest things you can do.

rudest things
Photo by Sean Pavone at Shutterstock

6. Never tip while visiting Japan

This is a subject that used to be pretty popular some time ago, and everybody was amazed to hear that in Japan, tipping is one of the rudest things you can do. At home, we are used to leaving a tip for any service, from restaurants to the car wash service or when you get a haircut. But Japanese people rely on their policy of hospitality, known as “omotenashi,” and they do their best to offer exceptional services without expecting anything extra in return.

In Japan, employees have a stable salary, and they don’t need to rely on tips to survive. This is why there is no need for additional gratuities, and workers find it offensive when someone leaves them tips. This is not a common practice and because of this, leaving tips can create awkward moments that you want to avoid.

So, if you ever visit Japan, pay what you need to pay and remember that there is no need to leave any extra money.

When you go to a new country, one of the things people do is take pictures. And a fun way to do this is to take film photos. They have that vintage vibe that will make you remember your journey in a unique way. This is why you might want to have a disposable camera: Kodak Funsaver One Time Use Film Camera (2-pack)

You should also read: How to Keep Your Belongings Safe While Traveling

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