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7 Travel Destinations You’re Most Likely to Be Pickpocketed

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Photo by muratart from Shutterstock

3. Rome, Italy

Next on our list of the top pickpocket cities is Rome. Italy is definitely one of the most famous tourist destinations in Europe, but it isn’t all sunshine and fresh pasta. The historical landmarks and iconic places of interest draw thousands of visitors every week.

Unfortunately, this makes Rome one of the top pickpocket cities in the world. Popular attractions such as the ancient Colosseum or the stunning Fontana di Trevi are a magnet for enormous crowds, eager to see with their own eyes some of Italy’s most historical landmarks.

This is the perfect opportunity for purse-snatchers to strike and swipe your wallet, phone, money, camera, or anything else they can lay their hands on. The famous tradition of throwing coins into Fontana di Trevy is actually putting you at risk of being robbed!

As tourists are either distracted while throwing their money in or are looking into their wallets to get coins out, they become an easy target.

How to avoid it: Take your coins out well before getting to the fountain, and make sure your purse or bag is well-secured when you get there.

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