Hotel Breakfast? 6 Foods to Definitely Avoid

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hotel breakfast
Image By elitravo From Shutterstock

Fruit salad

Fruit salad may sound amazing and a healthy option, but you may not get to eat it at home. Yet, when it comes to hotel breakfast, you should be thinking twice before you commit to the fruit salad.

This is because fruit salads end up being out for a long time, and they can easily pick up bacteria since fruits can easily be contaminated.

What’s more, if they have not been washed properly, they can easily spread any sort of bacteria or dirt to the whole dish.

If you want to get some, you should make sure that you check it carefully.

Any fruit salad with melons or cantaloupes has a chance of being contaminated since a lot of the time people do not wash the rind, and bacteria can then spread when it is cut and cross-contaminate stuff around.

Likewise, experts warn against eating any fruit salad where you can notice fruits that have soft edges or any signs of dirt or any other substance that seems off since it can be a clear sign that they are old or that the fruits have not been washed well.

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