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7 Hidden Gems in The US Only Locals Know About

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Photo by antsdrone From Shutterstock

4. The Finger Lakes – New York

The Finger Lakes region of New York deserves more recognition because of its world-class wines and priceless scenery. Given everything it has to offer, it has been among the most underappreciated tourist sites in the US for a very long time. There are 11 finger-shaped lakes in this beautiful region of upstate New York, some of which are almost 30 miles long. The longest Finger Lake is Cayuga Lake, which is accompanied by Seneca Lake. Although a little less popular, Keuka and Skaneateles Lakes are nevertheless worth visiting.

If you want to spend a week away from your car, crowded streets, and everything else that everyday citizens face, the Finger Lakes is the place to go. You will be happy to see more boats than cars, and the entire environment is delightful!

Along with the lakes themselves, I had fun exploring the region’s well-known state parks, waterfalls, and gorges. The Grand Canyon of the East, Buttermilk Falls State Park, and Watkins Glen are all must-see attractions. You must know that there is no specific season to visit this area, but if you don’t like cold and snow, it is recommended that you visit during the spring or summer.

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