10 Amazing Gems Along Route 66 You Will Regret Missing

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route 66
Image By GaudiLab From Shutterstock

Route 66 State Park 

When passing through Eureka, Missouri, you have to make a stop at the Route 66 State Park visitor center. Located in the old Bridgehead Inn, which was built in 1935, it offers everything you would want when it comes to the vast history of the iconic highway.

You can take the opportunity to take a break and stretch your legs at the park, be it for historical reasons in the center, or just because you are road-weary. The park has multiple nature trails and picnic sites, so it is a great pit stop for lunch and a break.

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13 thoughts on “10 Amazing Gems Along Route 66 You Will Regret Missing”

  1. Rolfe Jaremus

    Silvana has written an interesting article however the list of site ms to see is in a jumbled order. It would be more useful to a traveler to list these sites in trip order especially since you actually “start” in Grant Park. Thanks

  2. As I kept going from place on Route 66, I was certain Chloride, Arizona would surely be noted. It’s okey though because last I heard and saw, Chloride residents were perfectly satisfied with their quiet surroundings. My Grandma married William Epperson, a cowboy and well respected Deputy Sheriff in Cloride. I spent several summers there and even attended class in the school house. My Aunt served breakfast at the local bar before the work day began. Every day a donkey came through the swinging doors, up to the counter for his morning ritual, a stack of pancakes.

    So here I am, in my glory, reminiscing and thanking my wonderful Parents who wanted me to see the other side of glamour and glitz of the big cities in California where I was born 84 years ago.

    1. Hi Marilyn. Exactly my thoughts. I have been to Oatman many, many times as it is not too far from where I live, and I always find something fun, and historical about it. It’s a great place to visit, and there is quite a lot of history behind it. I still go there from time to time, and I never tire of it. It should have definitely been one of the stops on this list.

  3. If you want to live to make the rest of the trip, skip the ‘original rt 66’ sign in Chicago. Besides, it’s not an original sign anyhow, it’s a sign from AFTER 66 became ‘history’.

  4. Yes I drove that road when it was the main road. Stationed at the Marine base at Barstow Ca. Drove it every day and went to San Bernardino Ca to all the way to Texas on my way home prior to going over seas. Also drove it to get to the cut off to Big Bear in the mountains. Maybe put 2509 to 3000 miles on that road in the mid 1957 to mid 1958 .

  5. In my mid-70’s now, my FIRST knowledge/experience with the Mother Road, Route 66, was in around April 1965, in Amarillo, Texas.
    I was in USAF tech school there at Amarillo AFB, closed long ago…sometime in 1968, while I was later stationed in S.E. Asia.
    Rt. 66 was/is Main Street for the town/city of Amarillo, on which the locals held their Friday night hot/street cruises, which were absolutely FABULOUS…again back in 1965.
    Of course, none of us GI’s could afford a car there, but the cruises were fun to watch, and we felt like ‘temporary civilians’.
    MANY years later, my bride and I had our family in William, Arizona, during our ‘Western Tour’, where Rt. 66 was again, the main street.
    Top of MY ‘Bucket List?…drive, dine, and hotel/motel on the ENTIRE length of the Mother Road, Rt. 66, from Chicago the the Santa Monica Pier, California, in a 1964 or 1965 Pontiac GTO, of COURSE.
    Honestly…(and unfortunately), at my age, and limited resources this day and age…I doubt I’ll make it.
    By the way….job well done, Sylvana

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