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9 Coolest Secret Locations in the United States

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cool secret
Image By All Stock Photos From Shutterstock

The secret sugar sands of Biloxi (Mississippi)

If you close your eyes and envision the perfect beach for a relaxing vacation, you may envision an exotic location, with crystal clear water and white sand beaches. What if I told you that you do not have to spend a hefty sum to go to such a place?

You can find a wonderful white sugar sand beach right here on American land, in good old Mississippi.  The beaches of Biloxi are not well known to tourists, which makes them a perfect place where you can spend a relaxing week during summer.

The accommodations here are very reasonably priced and you will have no problem finding a secluded place on the gorgeous beaches that span over 26 miles of the Gulf.

There are plenty of leisure activities to be done and even some historical ones if you are passionate about civil rights.

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3 thoughts on “9 Coolest Secret Locations in the United States”

  1. Yes it would be very appreciated to know of these nice places, for a getting way for peace and love places. Thank you.

  2. I live near here and highly suggest that people stop and walk around ! If you can not do high places just enjoy the scenery! Jim built this for his daughter! I have been up in the turrets with my then grandkids now they have little ones!
    They used to have a store to buy little gifts that were fun too! Nor sure if they still have it! Tara Had fun being a little princess for the day & Patrick a prince! Coming down the mountain is pretty too with pretty areas too se and views are great!! Joannie

  3. y husband went to School in Vineland, New Jersey, not far from here and brought down to spend the day at Cape May and bought me a beautiful present while there visiting the Angels of the Sea which is a B&B!! Then we went and had a nice hot bowl of Clam Chowder as it was getting chilly and stating to rain! Went to a cute Candy Store and bought some Salt Water Taffy! I would love to go back when weather is good too! Took pics of Light Houses too!
    By the way I am from Cortland, NY and now we live in Penrose, Colorado where the famous Phantom Canyon is / Canon City ,the Royal Gorge Region of Colorado!
    Beautiful and colorful and lots of mountains too! Come and see us for the beauty! Joanie

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