10 of the Most Beautiful Forests in America

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Calling all #wanderers out there! Name a single thing that is more relaxing and tranquil than a day spent in the forest… (Hard to find one, huh?!) Well, we couldn’t agree more, and we have photos to prove just that.

There are tons of beautiful forests across the U.S. However, we’ve shrunk our list down to 10 based on several factors. Still, we can assure you that you’ll find them just as beautiful as we do. So who’s ready to spend some quality time outdoors surrounded by nature?

If you’re ready, let’s dive in together straight into the mouth of the unknown!

beautiful forests
Photo by haveseen from Shutterstock

1. White Mountain National Forest, New Hampshire

Situated in eastern New Hampshire, White Mountain National Forest offers a plethora of lakes, alpine peaks, streams, and last but not least beautiful forests. The wildlife is also abundant, so we wouldn’t recommend adventuring too much into the heart of the woods.

All in all, White Mountain National Forest is definitely not for the faint-hearted… its extreme weather conditions are well-known among locals. However, if you’re an adventurous type of person and properly equipped with hiking shoes, food, water, and other essential gear, everything will be fine (as long as you respect Mother Nature).

And.. guess what?! White Mountain National Forest is also home to the tallest waterfall in New Hampshire, namely Arethusa Falls!

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