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7 Strange US Towns You Should Visit at Least Once

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small towns
Photo by Larry Porges at Shutterstock

Casey, Illinois

This one’s a local secret you probably haven’t heard of. My parents actually discovered it when I was younger, and I remember it was a fun weekend getaway. At the time, I remember the highlight of my trip being the outdoor pool our hotel had.

But looking back, I think little trips like this with my family are what started my love for travel and discovering fun new things. This quirky little small town stands out due to the many insanely large objects that decorate it.

You’ll find a pencil that stands at 32 feet, for example, and a rocking chair at approximately 56 feet tall.

There are many other impressive objects but what’s most amazing is that there are at least eight items that have been officially certified by Guinness as the world’s largest of their kind.

A perfect place to start your tour of the small town’s “Big Things” is with the Rocking Chair that’s located at the east end of Casey’s Main Street attractions, conveniently located by a free public parking lot.

The street corner base around the Chair is beautifully landscaped with large rocks & rock gardens & colorful flowers, all well maintained. You can see the Rocking Chair from many spots around this small town, even from the World’s Largest Mailbox, located three blocks west.

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